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A little kindness goes a long way

A little kindness goes a long way

Building a business is never easy.  Getting that baby to grow up and walk on its own seems much more difficult than when I had to get my actual kids to walk.  The transition to being solely online versus in-person has added a new complexity to the problem. 

I can not see, touch, smile and laugh with the vendors and customers who come for a moments respite from the everyday.  People can not see the warmth in my eyes and the sunshine beaming from my heart. I have become a flat page on the screen.  What is interesting is how the page becomes your persona and you take it personally when people do not drop by to visit.

The pandemic has me "missing" this more than ever.  Missing freedoms, missing being in a crowd and not being worried, missing talking about the minor things.  It's lonely out there, especially for creatures like me who crave activity and learning.  Now, I peck peck peck at the keys on my keyboard, listening to music, alone. 

What hasn't changed is my feelings about the work I do.  Every business I have built has one core value.  Helping others to be the version of themselves they see in their head.  It can be the smallest act.  Complimenting a product, giving a shout out in social media. The businesses I work with smile and dance when they make sales.  The money stays in our communities and funds families.  Box stores are fine for utilitarian goods that we do not need humans to make.  Shopping local is for the things that bring us joy when we look at them.   


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